TheTourna Gripfeatures a very distinctive dry feel and a blue colour making it very recognisable. Called "The light blue grip that does not slip"
Tourna Grip is made from only the finest, highest quality materials available in the world.
This is the original creation, a dry feel grip that really soaks up sweat. It is ideal for hot, humid days for a firm grip. It becomes tacky when wet - unlike other grips which slip when wet. Its proprietary manufacturing process will never change. Absorbs moisture; Tourna Grip absorbs up to 350% of its initial weight. It gets tackier when wet.
Tourna Grip simply outperforms any other grip on the market.
Players can use both sides of Tourna Grip.
Dimensions: 99 cm x 29 mm per grip
Pack of 10 grips per roll, includes finishing tape